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Monday 21 December 2015

Pre-Christmas Outfit

Hey Loves, hope you're all enjoying the run up to Christmas and not getting too stressed out with it all, hope all your pressies are wrapped and under the tree and hope you're getting into the spirit of things.

We've had a pre-christmas dinner tonight and I write this with a food baby stomach. :D

If you saw our latest snaps I posted my look as well as recorded some hilarious behind the scenes of my sister, if you want to get the latest updates before it goes live on the blog, be sure to add us on snapchat (F-SOS)

So, as it gets closer to Christmas/New Year we will be posting more outfits to hopefully inspire you, we were sent some amazing heels from Public Desire and I have styled my Kanye inspired boots with a dress by Maniere De Voir (By the way I wore mine back to front as I preferred it this way) and the coat is actually my Fiance's lol.

All the direct links are below, let me know what you think, thumbs up or down...

Keep an eye out for the rest of our looks this week and if there is anything you would like to see on here, please let us know.

Happy Holidays guys xxx

Exact Heels Here
Exact Dress Here


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