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Thursday 24 December 2015

Happy Holidays

Happy Holiday People and compliments of the season!

I just wanted to give you all some word of wisdom if I may lol

We have one more sleep until it is CHRISTMAS and I just wanted to remind you all that Christmas is a time of happiness, giving and most importantly celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Christmas is full of joy, so forget about your problems and focus on the present. Remember that you are never alone with whatever you are going through and no hardship is the end. My personal motto is 'When you hit rock bottom the only way is up'. We do not last in hardship or sorrows forever so don't allow yourself to feel that YOUR CURRENT situation is permanent!

People will be alone this holiday, some may have lost some very important people so if you have the time or a neighbour close by keep them in your prayers and maybe even spend a couple hours with them or invite them to your house. The little gestures that we do can change someone's day, month or entire year completely! 

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