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Sunday 6 December 2015

WE LOVE YOU (Emotional Speech Attached)

Wow! we can not believe that we turned a year the other day. Nearly 70,000 followers on instagram and over 2 million page views in ONE YEAR!

We are so thankful for the rapid growth that we have received on our blog and our account and we thank you for being a part of it all. We had vision and you guys made it a dream come true. 

We have met some amazing people through this journey and have such a lovely team of girls who are a part of FSOS @thevbchic @franmayamerena @the.sp.edit @shopbcd  

Girls, if you have a dream stick with it! Like I always say if you are thinking it someone is already planning it so act FAST on your idea. 

No idea is silly and never have the word 'I Can't' in your vocabulary because your are already setting yourself out to fail. Believe in your dream and your capability. 

For the girls who have already started their dream but you are a bit stuck, keep on going. 

The struggle will bring you results that you can learn from but just do not give up. 

Take it as you are driving from A - B... We never know what we will face along the way... whether it is traffic or an incident but you know you will end up at destonation B, right? 

That should be the exact way you see your goals! Whatever comes along the way you will get to you end goal. 

Once again we love you and thank you! 

Lots of loves Lara & Yosi


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