Fashion, Beauty, Blogger, Lifestyle, Stylish, Celebrities, Celebs, Hair

Saturday 26 September 2015


So if many of you follow us on Snapchat 'F-SOS', you would have followed us on our journey throughout London Fashion Week. 

This was actually our first time attending and we were truly honoured to be given a bloggers press pass. It made us feel blessed to be amongst the great fashion culture and buzz.

As we sorted our things out late notice we only attended Friday (Day 1) & Monday (Day 4)

On Friday, we headed to Trace Showrooms to get ready and pampered before the day began. We dressed from head to toe with Pretty Little Thing which is pictured below (Shop Website Here) and had our hair done by Blo Blowdry. 

We did a lot of street style and in the mist of taking pictures we was also being snapped for other people's websites (so if you see us anywhere let us know lol) The atmosphere is crazy and it is the only place you can get away with people taking pictures of you or you taking pictures of someone else and getting away with it, everyone is so friendly!

The showroom was a lovely place to mingle with people and to have one to one discussions with designers and may I say their pieces for SS16 was simply divine! We have also snapped a few of the items that we fell in love with.

Here is a few pictures below of the street style caught during LFW

Check out her nails 

 This is my outfit for Day 1 that I wore and you can find the links listed below this picture
Buy Top Here
Buy Jacket Here
Buy Skirt Here
                                        Buy Bodychain Here (For 15% off use discount code 'HCxXO')
Buy Heels Here
Buy Dress Here
Buy Jacket Here
Buy Heels Here

Our very good childhood friend Fola who was working at LFW 
Find his Instagram Here

Shop Here

Shop Sunglasses Here

Shop Here

Below is some pictures from one the shows that we watched and some of the key pieces that we really fell in love with.


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