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Wednesday 12 August 2015

Coco for Coco

Coconut oil has long been a natural beauty secret that has been used and loved by many. It is one of those products that can be classified as a "superfood" and has many, many ways of being put to good use. Coconut oil is truly the definition of "one-man show."

Coconut oil is best known for cooking, but did you know that you can use it almost anywhere on your body? From makeup remover to hair mask, I'll list below some of the ways you can incorporate this healthy option into your daily routine.

Moisturizer (Goodbye dry everything!)

Dry skin? No problem. When solid at room temperature, it's creamy texture makes for the perfect opportunity to slather yourself and revive your skin. After shower apply oil all over and leave in overnight for most effective results, and wash out in the morning. There is no need to apply any creams or oils afterwards.
You can also apply it on chapped and dry lips as a lip balm, or cuticle cream for nails and feet.

Hair Mask

Coconut oil is solid at room temperate, but once heated it turns very liquidy. After shampooing, massage coconut oil into your hair and twist hair into bun or sidebraids. For best results, leave in overnight and wash out in the morning. (Warning: It takes me about two showers to fully get rid of the oil in my hair).

Makeup Remover

A teaspoon is all you need to get rid of your day's makeup. A healthy, all natural solution and no need to worry about accidently getting chemicals in your eyes. Piece of cake.

Body Scrub

Mix coconut oil and sea salt, and voila! You've got yourself a scrub.

Undereye Cream

No need to spend your hard earned dollar on expensive eye creams, you're local grocery stores have got you covered with an inexpensive option: coconut oil. Warm up the oil in your hands a little before lightly applying under the eyes. No more fine lines, dark circles and puffiness.

Shaving Cream

Shave and moisturize at the same time? Sounds good to me. Since the oil is so smooth, you'll have no problem achieving a close shave. The closer the shave, the less cuts. ;)

There you got it! Some of the few ways you're able to use this magical oil.

Buy Coconut Here

Written By Veronica Beran
Veronica's Instagram Here
Veronica's Blog Here

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